-=+=Frostiikin=+=- Apr 11, 2018 Just finished watching gravity falls on hulu, and everyone was right, it was great
Myu Feb 22, 2018 I know it's meant to be a brick pattern but I can't unsee the lines on your avatar as mad forehead creases.
I know it's meant to be a brick pattern but I can't unsee the lines on your avatar as mad forehead creases.
InsertUsernameHere Feb 21, 2018 I've been trying to think of a profile post to respond somehow to your new avatar and it hasn't worked. so uh hi thank very much you are a good
I've been trying to think of a profile post to respond somehow to your new avatar and it hasn't worked. so uh hi thank very much you are a good
MegaDerpyMan123 Jan 4, 2018 please im lonely its fun with people but know one plays it that is my friend