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  • I read your post on the mechanism suggestion thread. But I noticed you said you haven't got as far as spikes yet, so you haven't got to the Mechanic either. Some good suggestions none the less, but you'll be pleased to discover some of the stuff you suggested is already in the game (all doors and most lights can be controlled by wire, for instance.) There's a guided missile of sorts just ahead too.
    The remote missile, that is definitely news to me, so I'll have to keep an eye open. Thanks for the heads up. Is it a hard mode weapon? For as long as I've played the game, I've never taken it to hard mode. Played one briefly on a server, but didn't really do much at that point. I certainly haven't found a guided missile. Eventually I'll get to the second half of the game.
    I'll have to install the automatic doors next time I play, though. Thanks for reminding me that it can be done now. (End of comment too long for the character limit)
    The "guided missile" is in the Dungeon (along with spikes and the mechanic). It's a magic weapon though, not an actual rocket. There are some real rocket weapons in hardmode, but none of them are guided. Putting those two things together would be a nice addition actually.
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