Recent content by canemuto

  1. C

    Items Goblin Peace Treaty?

    First I just wanna say, I don't know how I feel about this item. It definitely SOUNDS like something that would be in Terraria but, would it take something away from what makes the game what it is? I feel like the item should be made of multiple parts, not just a single drop. Maybe a random...
  2. C

    Items Familiar Essence

    It'd be fun if you combined a target dummy and a grenade to make a non-stacking throwing item that, when thrown, would create a target dummy with taunt, it could work on minions and monsters, but not bosses. It would have the same amount of HP as the player, so it would scale. ...and have a...
  3. C

    Biomes & Nature Extra large world. Why don't we have larger or bigger mauntains?

    The snow biome has always been lacking in unique features. I always thought a large mountain with a cave entrance would be a cool feature (no pun intended). My idea was that it would spawn randomly in worlds, like the pyramids. It would always have a chest near the mouth of the cave with...
  4. C

    Secret World Seed Layer Cake Seed

    A vertically layered World Seed, The different biomes would be layered like a cake or parfait. You know what else has layers? Parfait! You ever met anyone that says "Hell no, I don't like no parfait!"?
  5. C

    Weapons & Equip Magic Lantern Upgrade Kit

    I started a new game and ran into the Skeleton Merchant while exploring. He just so happened to have the Magic Lantern. With the change to the Mechanical Mine Cart from just a cart, into a kit that upgrades all carts, I was wondering... Could we change the Magic Lantern into a Lantern Upgrade...
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    I lost everything I had built over the course of 3 years in a single world due to a HDD wipe. So this week I started rebuilding. My houses are much smaller scale this time around. Here is my forest town.
  7. C

    PC In game issue with Mob Spawn Rate

    In the recent update the patch notes mentioned a change to the interaction between summoned minions and neutral creatures. Recently, it seems like neutral creatures like birds, lady bugs, scorpions, etc. count against the max number of mobs that can appear on screen at one time. I'm just curious...
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