Yikiyaqa Aug 15, 2024 Hola kirby eevee! Ya que tu si cachas espagnole, te invito a que escuches mi nueva canción (única y primera) que creé https://soundcloud.com/user-695988198%2Fabbu
Hola kirby eevee! Ya que tu si cachas espagnole, te invito a que escuches mi nueva canción (única y primera) que creé https://soundcloud.com/user-695988198%2Fabbu
Kitnight Jul 28, 2024 So fun fact. I found you in my comments for a video I made three years ago which im pretty sure you commented before we ever interacted.
So fun fact. I found you in my comments for a video I made three years ago which im pretty sure you commented before we ever interacted.
Yikiyaqa May 22, 2024 Toca esto en piano: La-a-a, La-a-a, La-a-a, La-a-a. (Esperas unos segundos), Laaa Sol# Soool La#, Laaa Sol# (esperas 1 segundo) Laaa Sol# Soool Fa#. ¿Qué es?
Toca esto en piano: La-a-a, La-a-a, La-a-a, La-a-a. (Esperas unos segundos), Laaa Sol# Soool La#, Laaa Sol# (esperas 1 segundo) Laaa Sol# Soool Fa#. ¿Qué es?
DragonMals Apr 5, 2024 I hope that you've been having a great day. it has been a bit since I last spoken to you.
Kitnight Nov 23, 2023 Well. It's been a bit. Think star stuff'll get added? Cause you know, watermelon definetly won by majority vote. Stars lost by a landslide. Definetly.
Well. It's been a bit. Think star stuff'll get added? Cause you know, watermelon definetly won by majority vote. Stars lost by a landslide. Definetly.
HandsomeSquirrel🐿️ Oct 8, 2023 Real quick: what's the current barometric pressure? I need to know before the IRS catches up to me.
Green_Metaknight Sep 15, 2023 Do you want to join the Anti Terrarism Taskforce? This thread talks a little about what Terrarism is and what the ATT does.
Do you want to join the Anti Terrarism Taskforce? This thread talks a little about what Terrarism is and what the ATT does.
ares404 Aug 26, 2023 thanks for the follow btw have a nice day. btw, if you play kirby, whats your fav game?