MadmanLava Aug 28, 2019 Despite my frustration with the controls, lock on targeting with bows and yoyos is godlike
MadmanLava Aug 27, 2019 Controls are a little wonky, and I really hope they make it so that crosshair doesnt permanently stick to your screen anymore.
Controls are a little wonky, and I really hope they make it so that crosshair doesnt permanently stick to your screen anymore.
MadmanLava Aug 27, 2019 Whats this "authors" thing that appears on home now and leads to a blank category?
MadmanLava Aug 26, 2019 Cant wait for mobile 1.3 tomorrow! Years and years of waiting comes to an end!
MadmanLava Aug 25, 2019 Hit 100 messages while leaving feedback in my quest to catch up on the suggestions and build threads, neat
Hit 100 messages while leaving feedback in my quest to catch up on the suggestions and build threads, neat
MadmanLava Aug 27, 2018 I haven't updated this status in years... um... MAKE MOBILE GREAT OR SOMETHING TO THAT EFFECT
MadmanLava Mar 29, 2017 Working to make sure mobile 1.3 doesn't follow in previous update's footsteps.