MegaSDMGShark Mar 28, 2015 I was playing Multiplayer with my friends, and in my mine, I swear I had enough gold to make picks for all of us and a set of gold armor.
I was playing Multiplayer with my friends, and in my mine, I swear I had enough gold to make picks for all of us and a set of gold armor.
MegaSDMGShark Mar 20, 2015 Literally the funniest video ever:
MegaSDMGShark Jan 2, 2015 I listen to this when I do homework
MegaSDMGShark Jan 2, 2015 There is gonna be a lot of people on September 26 getting the Skeletron Prime title...
MegaSDMGShark Dec 24, 2014 Making an improved version of my standard profile pic (see the old one here: )
MegaSDMGShark Nov 8, 2014 This will be my last wall post until Next Monday (November 17). I will be on Vacation, so don't chat to me until I come back. Thanks.
This will be my last wall post until Next Monday (November 17). I will be on Vacation, so don't chat to me until I come back. Thanks.