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  • Just beat Scribblenauts and Mario&Luigi:SSS. Both are fantastically designed games that I am disappointed in myself for not trying sooner.
    I'm on the final fight of Superstar Saga.
    I mushroomed the game to death XD Go buy the mush badge if you want to not try, but I'll warn you it's likely less satisfying to kill the boss this way
    The Mush Badge is a weapon of mass destruction.
    Who knew that Schick made titanium and diamond covered razors? Not me, but I know imagine that in terraria as a weapon.
    Done writing a little something. Let's just say my entry to the CC for October will have more than one part! "Tales of the Hero" is coming!!
    And story will be up soon, and got a submission to the anniversary contest too! Probs not gonna win, but it was fun to write anyway
    Scrambling to get RL worked out so I can get my rig up again, so I can get my submissions to CC and the anniversary contest up. OH NOES!
    Converting current mod development to Tmodloader, Doing a Flail/Yoyo only run with a friend, and prepping for college, yo! ^_^
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