Recent content by Qu0t3

  1. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    DUDE. you are so right! The ONLY quest i completed was the one with the angel fish and THATS IT! I dont know what's worse, finding worms or angler quests.
  2. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    The slimes can drop potions and ores, but the mother slime shouldn't be dropping a pickaxe?
  3. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    It was live yesterday. A little l8 m8 :D
  4. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    Yep, just be sure you make some flat land so the worm has room to spawn!
  5. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    You gotta make an aboveground one.
  6. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    Take it from the guy who already has 3 Its easier to just make a aboveground mushroom biome. its easier.
  7. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    Thats because the other monsters that spawn can kill the worms. Get to them first.
  8. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    Dude, it means you should get a better, high end phone. the only bug i've had is the pink lines and crashing from time to time.
  9. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    Wow, I can't believe the people who inhabit this forum. For 5 months STRAIGHT all we did was push them and push them and push them to put out the update and now we all have to complain about the BUGS? You all should be lucky the game got the update at all! Just go play the game, the bugs aren't...
  10. Qu0t3

    Mobile Mobile 1.2.4 LIVE in the next 24-48 hrs

    Well Well, 505. It's about time. Cant wait for that update notification!!!! DUKE FISHRON, HERE I COME!!!11!!!!!11!!!
  11. Qu0t3

    Mobile State of Mobile Address

    DUDE IM WITH YOU I did a mediumcore expert world and the entire time I was chasing a zombie trying to get my monies back....
  12. Qu0t3

    3DS Terraria for 3DS Coming Soon

    I'm with you on that one! Gonna go to Gamestop later today and get my Eshop card!! Come to think of it, I might even go ahead and get a capture card. It seems all the more fitting for a new terraria. 3DS series, HERE I COME!!! :happy:
  13. Qu0t3

    Official Console and Mobile updates ETA

    To answer your first question: We might not get hovering at all, even with a UI update. Second: Most of the dyes, i hope, will be fixed in the update. The rainbow dye kills me. :D
  14. Qu0t3

    Official Console and Mobile updates ETA

    Ohh thanks for correcting me on that... I'm honestly not that familiar with the mobile features it has. :D
  15. Qu0t3

    Official Console and Mobile updates ETA

    That is a mobile feature, and i believe it was added valentine's day of last year. They are only found in winter biomes and are the only way to get heart arrows, if i'm not mistaken... LOL this is coming from the guy who has "one does not simply wait for updates" in his bio thingy under each...
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