OreoFace Mar 4, 2015 http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/shrooms.13525/#post-387692 we're going to eat you!
poptendo Dec 31, 2014 I like your mushroom avatar. I dont know if it's based off a mario mushroom or not, but if you can't already tell i'm a nintendo fan!
I like your mushroom avatar. I dont know if it's based off a mario mushroom or not, but if you can't already tell i'm a nintendo fan!
Shrooms Dec 18, 2014 I'm not dead in case anyone was worried. I've just moved to a new patch of dirt deep in the Underground biome. So, house-warming party time?
I'm not dead in case anyone was worried. I've just moved to a new patch of dirt deep in the Underground biome. So, house-warming party time?
Ndlish Oct 31, 2014 Holy what? I leave for like a week and someone overtakes you by 3,000 posts?? Witchcraft...
InsertUsernameHere Oct 16, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7A8D55uzNA SO INTENSE! YOU ARE CATCHING UP!
InsertUsernameHere Oct 13, 2014 You feel vibrations from deep underground... Meh,whatever. I am 4 messages behind you. >