My Story: I am a fat tabby named Puffl. Fat tabbys are alien cat like species that are usually harmless unless first disturbed, or not fed. Our civilization has been around since the first fat, named Fatalis, came to be, which was 128,931,928,390,210,412,049,120,491,203,910,908 years ago. Our civilization is massive, and I was the first fat tabby to go to your planet, Urth. Actually, I think it was called, "Earth?" Ehh, Urth sounds better. I learned so much about you human, and was worshipped when i got back to Fatalis. but, not before I found about things called "video games" and Terraria was my favorite one. I ending up liking a ton, though, like the pink ball Kirby, and the bug The Knight, in his game Hollow Knight. So, you probably have infinite questions, but I will only answer one. And that question was, "Who are your enemies?" And they are the STICKMEN. DESTROY THEM IF YOU SEE THEM. Unless you draw them, then they're fine. But if you see a real, alive stickman, get out the S.D.M.G's. Or the Zeniths. Either one.