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  • I know you're not really active here anymore, but I don't know where else I'd ask
    What exactly is the story behind your Askevalda EP? Is it something I could find somewhere? I've suddenly regained curiosity about it after relistening to your music.
    Also, have you stopped composing music altogether, or have you just discontinued your use of Soundcloud?
    hey tovlyn, i just want to say that if you do ever want anything from tobbvald's tinkering just not changed in anyway unless you want to have changes for it than you can ask me, anyone else or make a mod with your ideas on your own, i just wanted to say this, thanks for reading have a nice day/night, keep making amazin ideas for thee world, bye! :guidegrin:
    Just wondering, what projects do have in mind for Tovlyn? Something like desert/ice (or jungle/ice)? Or ocean? Or something else completely?
    How do I get to your projects? I've heard a lot about your work, and want to see it. I don't use tcf much, so I don't know a lot about threads. Thanks!
    On someones profile you go to the "Postings" tab under their name, then scroll to the bottom and click "Find all threads by"
    mr e
    mr e
    Thanks, I figured it out
    Hi! I'm back and working on a new writing project. I was hoping to reference your Contagion and Covert suggestions in it, but figured I should ask permission first. Do you have any problems with that? I would of course give credit to you.
    Hi, Tobbvald! I would like to have your permission to sell your biome to The Contagion and the use of his sprites for my mod. You will allow you to use your sprites and your biome? Pleeeeease
    Sups Tobbvald, I was curious about the Ria and was hoping you could enlighten me on something... i have started a conversation already and hope you will answer shortly*
    Two things
    -I support all of your suggestions with my life.
    -You know what would make more sense than the cultists coming to the dungeon after the totally unrelated golem is defeated? The cultists coming to the dungeon after Necronomitron is defeated!
    OMG you´re from "Yes", is this a reference to that boy in Pokemon RSE in Pacifidlog?
    Nope. I'm merely confirming that I indeed inhabit a physical location. It makes more sense when you look at the Information tab though.
    The Pumking's Blade
    The Pumking's Blade
    Why not go to Mars u can grow plants there, free wifi, Doritos everywhere
    Just listening to some of your music on Soundcloud and it seems like some of your songs (like Moonhail) seem to just cut off. I know there's most likely not much you can do to fix it, but I thought I'd point it out. BTW, I really love Moonhail. :dryadhappy:
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    Reactions: Tovlyn
    Yeah since most themes are essentially designed for use in games, they are usually intended to loop or transition, so I never really bother with endings. -And yes, one of my favorites as well.
    ooookay! :dryadgrin: it's pretty epich.
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