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  • how do me remove every post me quoted,
    me not realize that shouldve pressed "reply" when want someone else's post above mine as reply,

    there likely random post me quoted akcidently without realizing when tryna replying,
    """""summoner rework""""" mod I mentioned,
    somewhat diffrent,
    summoner weapons dont konsume mana (and will probably find out how make all weapons that deal summon dmg to not konsume mana),
    whips for melee,
    no staffs for magik foolery,
    or nimbus rod for summoner foolery part2,

    heresa download for anyone wanting play,
    unzip then plop tmod file in "Mods" folder by going "documents>My Games>Terraria>Tmodloader>Mods".


    Capture 2024-12-08 15_42_29.png

    me made lil set line progression something, then looking at ranger and melee: I thought of what if terraria had only 2 klasses?,

    I somewhat know how modify vanilla items using global items, I kan make mod out of thought, not sure if worth my time.
    for some I've been thinking to make "sekret" channel and abandon kurrent one(s),

    me didcided write after making kharakter out of oversaturated video of me,
    im making "summoner rework" mod, not sure if me publish,
    I might make post with download if proud or some people want,

    mod makes summoner less of klass,
    whips for melee, staffs for magik,
    sentry for summoner,

    krimson and nimbus rod are sentry (not really)
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