Weapons & Equip Slap Hand Rework


Preface: It would be nice if the slaphand could get a rebalance of sorts in the upcoming 1.4.5 update. Part of the gimmick of the slaphand is that it has absurd knockback. However, due to its high damage, you often end up killing enemies that you only wanted to toss around. I realize that there have already been changes regarding the slap hand in the past (changing the damage from 35 to 1, then back to 35). As such, I suspect this is already a contested topic (although I haven't seen very much talk about it).
Suggestion: The slaphand's damage and knockback could be determined by how far the cursor was from the player (which could also work for mobile/console with how far their "aim" joystick is from equilibrium). The further the cursor, the higher the knockback and the lower the damage/speed. The closer the cursor, the lower the knockbeack and the higher the damage/speed. This could transform the slaphand into a useful crowd control weapon (in my opinion) whilst also allowing players to enjoy its goofy mechanics to the fullest.
So, if your cursor is right on top of yourself you deal the hundred or so DPS with medium to low knockback wit if your cursor is all the way at the edge of the screen you deal like 3 DPS and send enemies flying? Not a bad solution, but sounds tricky to code.
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