Big Sammich
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  • Hey, I just wanted to say you're awesome :guidegrin: I really like most of your suggestions and I like the way you go about stating your opinions
    Do you think you could maybe update your sky island suggestion with more pictures sometime? I thought those were really well-made
    Big Sammich
    Big Sammich
    Thank you for the compliment! As for the Buildings in the Sky post, I was thinking about doing just that the other day... I'm really not much of a builder, but I don't really need to be one for that particular project. Perhaps I'll revisit it and finish the pictures soon.
    (pointless question) what is your favorite weapon, sammich?
    Big Sammich
    Big Sammich
    That's a tough one. I don't tend to pick a favorite of anything... I prefer having multiple favorites than just one. I like the Magnet Sphere, I like the Piranha Gun, I like the Pygmy Staff, I like the Solar Eruption... among others, of course.
    Idk if you get asked this a lot but what sandwich is the one in your pfp?
    Big Sammich
    Big Sammich
    CannedPotato is right. It's just called the Big Sandwich. It has three different meats on it, two different cheeses, two condiments, five slices of bread, onions, tomato, horseradish... a big sandwich, indeed. I honestly wouldn't recommend it... it's too much for someone to eat in most situations, it's not very healthy, and you can definitely make one that tastes better with fewer ingredients.
    literally the first thing which pops up when you search up big Sandwich.
    goes to show the incredible influence big sammich has had on the wider span of the internet
    I've noticed quite a few posts of mine with seemingly random angry emojis, even on ones that are fairly straight forward and not controversial. Any particular reason?
    Big Sammich
    Big Sammich
    Yes. When you advertise your own threads on other peoples' threads, it makes me mad. You've been told repeatedly not to do it. I don't report you every time because it's not my job to police your activity on the forum, but you really should have learned by now.
    I was recently told not to for the first time (aka not "repeatedly), still, it was made clear that it should be avoided unless necessary, so I haven't since then. In fact, I think that post just now was the first time since, because he specifically said he was looking for a post and couldn't find it. But otherwise, even if I have already posted a similar idea, we are apparenly not supposed to include a link.
    I'm surprised the Triggerfish post has come back. Not that it's a bad idea, but I just would have expected one of my more in-depth suggestions to be brought back. It's nice to see, though.
    How does a forum user (you) be so sensible and reasonable
    Quite frankly I'm shocked the Leprechaun post has come back. I thought (read: hoped) it would languish in obscurity forever.
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    That’s how I feel about some of my ideas like the Flymeal upgrade I made tbh, I enjoyed the idea though
    I found a thread I made 7 years ago about giving titles to the music in Terraria. I still like that concept, but man, some of those names...
    What exactly is the burger shown in the profile picture?
    I see tomatoes, American """"""cheese""""", and someþing resembling meat.
    Big Sammich
    Big Sammich
    It's not actually a burger, it's a sandwich. To be totally honest, it's just the first result on Google Images for "big sandwich." It's from a recipe blog, but the recipe isn't actually one I like very much; it has a few ingredients I don't care for, like horseradish. Even if it was a sandwich I liked, I still wouldn't recommend it. It's a lot of food.
    Honestly, this sandwitch looks awesome, and a talking sandwitch makes things a hundred times better.
    i've been lurking for a month and you are by FAR the most developed protagonist on this platform.
    I never realized how tough it would be to improve the vanilla Ocean biome until I started really thinking about it. Most ideas for an underground Ocean end up feeling really modded.
    Kinda feel like the Ocean could use something around the size of the changes made to the Desert in the sandstorm update, or the Journey's End update.
    It definitely needs to be more than just a few minor changes, but it doesn't need to be as big as an entire new biome or anything.
    I thought about it and honestly an Ocean biome key chest might be a good idea if the Ocean ended up being updated enough, similar to the Desert key chest.
    My idea is a magic weapon that's actually supposed to be used for DPS, as currently the rainbow gun doesn't entirely cut it.
    Big Sammich
    Big Sammich
    Ocean Key would be interesting... although that wouldn't really buff the Ocean. If anything, an Ocean Key in an unbuffed ocean would be annoying, because it would make you spend a long time in an uninteresting biome. Hmmm... I think I may have some ideas for reworking the Ocean, now, actually.
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