Terraria Community Forums

General Milky
General Milky
Because, having beat the game on Expert myself, I can tell you for an absolute fact you're just setting yourself up for frustration.

I'm also one of the guys who beta tested this crap, so I've had longer than most to play it. I'm also quite aware that Expert really isn't meant to be beatable by one single class the whole time.
Being a tester doesn't really mean much, but OK. Its called a challenge for a reason and I'll make it work somehow.
Let the man do what he wants, it's his game, his choice. Even if it is a bit of a silly idea. :p
General Milky
General Milky
You won't. You say it with optimism, but you really, honestly won't.

It's STATISTICALLY impossible. There's no way you can feasibly even reach hardmode without varying it up a bit. You'll see what I mean when you see Wall of Faster Than Hermes Boots and his entorage of respawning 150 damage tentacles.
I'll make sure to post an image of me killing the WoF with a Yoyo when I pull it off, then.
I sense a rivalry o-o
General Milky
General Milky
Video or bust, really. An image proves nothing as it's extremely easy to just make items vanish in an instant and doctor the evidence, plus there's no way to show if a world is Expert or not without some motion. (cont.)
General Milky
General Milky
To show I'm not just being mean to you or anything, I'll even offer some helpful, friendly advice. Your only chance of pulling this off involves ice blocks. I still don't think there's any way to mitigate the deathzone that the hungry occupy, but...
Well unfortunately this laptop can't really handle video capture too well, but I'm an honest person.
General Milky
General Milky
Then there's nothing but your word, and your word that your word won't bend the system just to prove some halfway popular guy wrong. Have fun, it's your game, but yeah. Given that you've no real idea what's even ahead of you, I can't help but just shake my head at the titanic task you've set yourself up to.
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