Terraria Community Forums

OwO! You tried IRL D&D!
DM railroading is lame indeed.

Lame DM aside, how was it?
The other people barely showed any signs of life and/or personality, but on the plus side, I finally know what some of the acronyms mean and got inspiration for TI--it literally has the best of both worlds, that element of randomness AND an actual narrative to create, which is something I wish they'd had. (The DM was basically just "reading from the book")
Was there any reason why you peeps used 1st edition? 3.5 (which TI uses) is afaik somewhat different, mechanics wise.
Welp, sounds that was a bad group. Or maybe the others were just so bored they didnt even borther anymore? Shame really, even if the GM railroads, character interaction could be very fun, why has everyone to get along exactly? Isnt it more interresting if they dont always?
I mean, its like, playing some of the earliest Terraria versions, where Skeletron was the hardest boss, the newer one has more updated mechanics and more content, but stays fundamentally the same.
There was barely any character from them at ALL and I had no idea what was going on so I had to wait to follow someone's lead. Literally no character interaction, DM wouldn't stop talking to let us do anything. The DM was older and was running this as a "retro" game, saying the 1st edition is easier for beginners. It helped me see the basic stats in action, finally get it in my head that AC means Armor Class, etc.
Well, thats lame...

@Charmander27 Do you have any experience with 1st Edition? I dont. Somehow i have a feeling its not really that much easier... maybe theres less content to read about or something but really...
But eh, cant hurt and you (Laur), like you said, got to see the basic mechanics working.
Yeah, I was just like "do you know any games more character or story driven because that's what I want to do"
He's older like I said so he probably thinks it's simpler because he grew up with it. And yeah, I'm definitely researching the 3.5 rules when it comes to making my form for this (started with looking up ardent mantles and turned into endless clicking)
Not gonna lie, the first class i've considered playing was ardent too, but i got lost in the sea of feats. That list we have in the group isnt even nearly a eighth of all feats. @_@ That part of the game is seriously intimidating, untill you realize that many of these feats simply are specialized for certain situations and just wont ever show up unless you're playing a specific campagin.
I feel like the list we have on the group is a good selection of feats one might want to take.
Where are you looking up stuff?
Oh yeah that was pretty overwhelming. I tried to just pick a few that'd make sense for my character to have that may actually be useful (Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Avenging Attack--she's chaotic good with high dex and wis scores)
I'm just googling stuff pretty much, still gotta solidly pick mantles but I don't think I can put that anywhere on my app right now
Its pretty much a class feature, so why not just do it like this? forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/drogoth-du-erra.39377/
basically, you have your Mantles as spoilers under the class features section.

Tbh, dodge is pretty :red:, you can get other, better AC bonuses from other means. Dont pick it unless you need it for one of the feats requiting it.
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