Granger Apr 5, 2018 When you're trying to find examples of this dnd character progression thing @Matsu and co make ocassionally but failing horribly.
When you're trying to find examples of this dnd character progression thing @Matsu and co make ocassionally but failing horribly.
Granger May 3, 2017 Also, anyone have any idea how to wire the gates to autoclose?
Also, anyone have any idea how to wire the gates to autoclose?
Granger Aug 1, 2016 Yeah... That game isnt really intented to be played alone is it? How the am i supposed to protect 8 cows from 2 UFOs zipping around?!
Yeah... That game isnt really intented to be played alone is it? How the am i supposed to protect 8 cows from 2 UFOs zipping around?!
Granger Aug 1, 2016 [FF Crystal Chronicles]Man the gemcrafting process is pretty indepth. Level up gear and make it into gems. But maxlvl is 3. Boost with gems.
[FF Crystal Chronicles]Man the gemcrafting process is pretty indepth. Level up gear and make it into gems. But maxlvl is 3. Boost with gems.
Granger Jul 26, 2016 Shooting at a supermarket in germany, Media blames "Killergames" such as Counter Strike.
And also a lot of ACFs because of overlapping class features.