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company doing it's job.
One of the comments from the page:
"The law is meant to protect developers and publishers, so that third parties can’t make money from or tarnish the reputation of their IPs. In cases like these, the protection is unneeded. This is a remake, so can’t tarnish the franchise, and it’s free, so they’re not making money, and Nintendo doesn’t exactly have...
a remake of their own (or even a recent Metroid game out) that this remake can cannibalize… It makes zero sense in this context to send a cease and desist"
Another comment: It does tarnish their reputation by not giving fans what they want while the creators of this game do, so in that regard it is valid even if most of us don’t like it, even what we think doesn’t really matter in this situation anyway…
I should have downloaded this while I had the chance. I wouldn't have played it, more than likely, but I would have had the opportunity. Thanks a whole :red:ing lot for this, Nintendo.
Yeah, :red: Nintendo for doing their job with their property. _-
If Nintendo was doing its job properly, they would be, you know, making games and keeping fans happy. People WANT a Metroid Game, but Nintendo says "nope, we don't feel like it." And thus the franchise just sits and collects dust while they release Mario Party #500, Mario Kart #999, etc.
"We ain't gonna use the IP, but we can guarantee you won't get to use it either!" kinda mentality that just irks me. Square-Enix did the same stupid thing with the Chrono Trigger remake, while giving out a crass "If you want a CT game, pay us more money!" meanwhile they release shoddy port after shoddy port that shows us that they just don't care.
Also, it's not like this Remake was going to bankrupt Nintendo, or even take away from its revenue from VC sales. It was something made for fans, by fans, and Nintendo decided that they weren't about to have any of that, which is stupid.
I think anymore, Nintendo is just entirely out of touch with what gamers really want. They try to make the bulk of their money re-selling old stuff, trying to convince gamers to re-buy the same games 2, 3, 4 times meanwhile many fans just wanted new games that they could actually play.
And besides, try as they might, they are NOT going to kill the Emulation scene. Too many people love it, too many people use it, and there's no way to make emulators illegal (only the ROMs are illegal but you can find those anywhere these days). Asking me to pay for a game I already own as a cartridge when I can play it on an emulator is LOL
You want a Metroid game, Federation Force. You want new games, Splatoon, the Wonderful 101, etc. You want a 2d Metroid? Stop :red:ing about Nintendo constantly making the same things.
And considering that there's way more content playing the game on an emulator (ROM hacks, and modifications), I wouldn't feel bad in the slightest about using an Emulator for a Nintendo game.
Not just Nintendo games, but I also use emulators for PS1 games, and a couple other systems as well. If you can find an emulator that works 95%+ then go for it! It's the superior way to play, lol. Save States is something that makes a game way different. No longer have to worry about losing 2, 3, 4+ hours of play because of an outage or something stupid, etc.
And of course if I should feel like it, save states can also be used as cheat devices lol. Sometimes it cuts down on the unnecessary tedium in some games, esp J-RPGs.
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