Terraria Community Forums

People laughed at me when I said that letting in millions of refugees from the Middle East was a very bad idea. People scoffed at me when I said that Europe was starting to have major issues because of it. People yelled at me for being "racist" and "intolerant" when I spoke of such things (cont)
But you know what? At the end of the day, when terrorism happens, 90%+ of the time, it's Islam. But then the Western World can only blame itself for arming these people over the years and de-stabilizing their governments to allow these terrorists to rise up. We made our bed, now we gotta sleep in it.
Kyubey The Incubator
Kyubey The Incubator
Trump can give us a new, better bed- Given that we elect him. Hillary's policies include opening up our borders, severely limiting gun control, increasing refugee intake by 550%(!).
Plus, we have the whole internet freedom act issue, and Obama's just going to give away our internet and free speech if we don't stop him.
This is assuming Obama doesn't call Martial Law which he is just itching to do. If he does that, then we ain't gonna have elections.
Kyubey The Incubator
Kyubey The Incubator
Yer goddamn right. We are going to have a new revolution, where every sensible freedom-loving American will grab their guns and force Trump into presidency.
We will not stand for more of this :red:.
You can feel the tension in the soil.
In order to have the seed of liberty grow, both Tyrants and Patriots must have spilled their blood over it.
Trash Boat
Trash Boat
I honestly think we're picking the lesser of two evils with trump.
If we pick Trump, our foreign relations will most likely vanish, and we might los our allies. I also fear that that's the kind of person to ban gay marriage.
If we pick Hillary
Let's go with this image. Imagine taking the largest and most successful nation in the world
And giving it
To satan
Kyubey The Incubator
Kyubey The Incubator
Actually, Trump has never been against Gay Marriage. Hillary was. Trump isn't going too nuke Russia, like Illary plans to. Plus, we kind of lost our allies already.
Trash Boat
Trash Boat
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