Terraria Community Forums

Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Is that meant to be a subtle jab at me, Priva?
the phoenix/thunderbird thing is more of a meme than anything lol
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Look Crocket if Priva wanted to take a jab at you why would she decide to do so here on this status talking about something that happened months ago? It's just a joke. Jesus.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Don't try and pick a fight with me, Teal. We both have better things to do with our time.
It's wasted effort, and can only land you in hot water.
how was he picking a fight you literally just came onto this joke status and accused me for jabbing at you
I'm not gonna continue because this is stupid, but yeah. Get off your high horse mate
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
...you say as you continue to taunt me.

You'd best be taking notes, @Leinfors.
Why does everything have to devolve like this with you. I never picked a fight I tried to clarify something on behalf of my friend. Look, I enjoyed working with you, and I've tried to mend bridges thousands of times with you. You always seem to make everything potentially having to do with me into some competition. It's not. I don't need to have or want to have a measuring contest. Please Crocket.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Let me clarify something here.
Both groups here have a beef with one another, so how about this: we both go our separate ways. You two have a lot, so at least be satisfied with that. We have a lot, and we are satisfied. It's a simple solution, and one that does not require expansion.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
And here he goes again, making me out to be the villain. But that's just fine, considering I have a history of being punished for what others have done to me.
What do the groups have to do with anything? I don't have beef with your group, I started the Discord without knowledge of Crocket's even existing because I wanted a platform to talk to Priva with some of our friends. Then we just went and wanted some more people and we wrote a list of people to invite.
And Crocket, I'm an :red:. Everyone knows I'm an :red:. I call myself an :red:. I'm not trying to make anyone a villain. I'm just saying: what the hell is this drama even about and why does it involve me?
Further to that point it doesn't involve Jetsream at all, so if you want to continue this please move it to a PM, or DM me on Discord. I want to try and resolve this. Again.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
That'll be for the mods to decide. Hopefully, I won't be thrown under the bus this time in favour of your childish antics.
And for the record, the mods have a very low tolerance of Discord/Group drama leaking onto TCF. We've done our best to make sure TCF drama stays off our Discord in general, it's even in our rules. For the mutual best for both of our groups please stop this madness so their isn't any moderation intervention.
My childish antics? What? All I did was say that Priva didn't take a jab at you, and then you started a debate. Please I beg move this to DM.
Everyone needs to take a moment to calm down and breathe. Things are getting heated here, and we don't want to see accusations and personal attacks result from this. If you find issues with other member's behavior, Report & Move on, but do not continue to engage in accusations or passive aggressive personal attacks. It will not be tolerated from anyone.
Butt-slapping penguins. Of course, Jet.. Of course.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
At least we know his pastime.
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