Terraria Community Forums

Color text can be done one of two ways. One is via just manually (or copy-pasting) a BB code that contains the hexadecimal number of the color you want. Like, mine here is #2BA8C7 (Ex: color=#2BA8C7 and surrounded in brackets). The other is automatically through the Augemented TCF addon for Google Chrome.
BB Codes and the like can be found here: https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?help/bb-codes

Only some of these work in profile posts while the rest work in forum threads. You'll have to find the color you want through an external site. I'd suggest looking up 'color hex codes' through your preferred search engine.
The Sweeth Slime Guy
The Sweeth Slime Guy
There's an Augemented TCF addon? I'll have to check that out.
The Sweeth Slime Guy
The Sweeth Slime Guy
Okay, how does this look?
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