Terraria Community Forums

Gearzoid II
Gearzoid II
You could play Starbound or Stardew Valley. Both are good games but you might like Stardew Valley more.
Eyad the stickman
Eyad the stickman
where did my asking post anyways when i said something you like i meant like ubercake what do you think when you hear ubercake?
Gearzoid II
Gearzoid II
I got rid of them because they were confusing. But when I hear UberCAKE I think of him and the memes I make that he likes :).
Eyad the stickman
Eyad the stickman
ok now think of the name
Gearzoid II
Gearzoid II
I also think about how his location is listed as "Ur mums house" so I technically live in his house :P.
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