Terraria Community Forums

Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Seems a little harsh, though Mud-fetish-Fiona
Although admittedly i haven’t had a look fully yet.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Right I’m gonna give my opinion here.
There is one chief difference between Terraria and Minecraft: One has no space but much better action, while the other is way more spacious but predominantly prioritises building over action.
Terraria is for those who have an eye for fighting and destruction. Minecraft is for builders. One a war zone, the other peacetime.
ChaoticFlame 多情
ChaoticFlame 多情
I'm sorry to whomever posted this but their arguments are flawed and it honestly makes them look like a delusional child. I wouldn't typically consider either game to be better in the sense that they're both equally unique, however this guy has the audacity to make such a bold comment, so he deserved to be bashed to oblivion. Excuse me while I tear his argument to shreds. Or support it, who knows
I would have to agree with Qui here, they are fundamentally different games. That's about as bad as comparing Breath of Fire to Final Fantasy. Yes, they're both J-RPGs and the older games of the series had similar turn based combat, BUT the focus was very different.
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