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Whether they actually do anything with it or not? Now THAT is an entirely different story... and one that is very unfortunate.
I think people misunderstand this verse. When people say "strength" and "power"... a lot of people will think physical strength, or social/political power. No, what I think what God is referring to here, is *spiritual* power. (cont)
Or, if you don't like/understand that, then *emotional* strength. I can personally attest to this. After I started reading the Bible and following Him, I don't get depressed, and I don't feel down as often and I find that when I do... I examine my actions... and it turns out, I had been lax (cont)
...in doing things like reading the Bible and praying. He also gives you courage. Kinda hard to feel afraid of the future when you know that no matter how it ends, you got the One and Only that cannot be defeated on your side.
Also, as an afterthought... a being like God (an omnipotent/omnipresent/etc one) would know what a person would do with what He gives, before He gives it. God would not be in the market for doing "useless" things, therefore He would not give gifts to those who would "waste" them.
We would not understand why He does what He does, but He has a purpose for everything He does, and if He gives strength or courage, or power to somebody who doesn't use it in such a way *we* would understand, doesn't mean it was a "useless" venture.
You more than just lost me. However, the only thing I'll say here is that a lot of the stuff that Realith here posts is open to interpretation. That's what I understand of the Bible, it's open to interpretation of the reader.
If you want me to try to explain in more detail, feel free to ask questions about what I said. As far as the Bible... well, it actually is not open to interpretation. People think it is, because they either cherry-pick verses and ignore the rest, or they are reading it with preconceptions as to what it means. Not that this is a 'bad' thing, but it is a common thing people do wrong (understandably so).
Yeah, I'm going to pass on that. Also, do not agree with your line of thinking there with the Bible. Everyone is different and will form different interpretations to just about any kind text or book there is, no matter whether it is a holy text or not. That's just how things work and it's your choice on whether to ignore this or not.
In the case you end up reading a different version of that. The above post has been edited a little towards the end. Just thought to make that known before some misunderstandings crop up because someone (me) edited their post a little.
What I more meant, is that there's only 1 way it was meant to mean. Sure, you can come to any conclusion you wish about the text in question, but when the author wrote it, they meant one thing in particular, and took great lengths to provide enough cross-reference material to rule out other possible interpretations.
Obviously people can, and have formed their own opinions of what they think the Bible means by any certain verse or verses... doesn't mean that they are aligned with the Bible's author(s) though.
How to convey this...? I'm not quite sure but it does relate to the age of the Bible. How can you be so certain what the author wanted to convey is still even relevant today, so long after it was first written? Which, I'd say that as a likely reason why people 'cherry pick' the text. Hence, why there isn't/shouldn't be any one correct way to interpret the text nowadays.
That is.... a question with a complicated answer. I will give the gist of it: pretty much the entire Bible is good for general instructions and knowledge. However, the Bible also contains a lot of doctrine, instructions for worship, and such. But here's the thing: (cont)
The Bible, as you say, was written over the course of about 4,000 years by 60 authors. Some of it is NOT meant for us today, such as the animal sacrifice system. We call this "dispensationalism". It's complicated, but the easy thing to remember is this: certain parts of the Bible are addressed to certain people.
That confirms something and it's more or less my original point of the Bible being open to interpretation. Plus, you kinda refuted your own point with the 'cherry picking' of the text by saying that certain parts are addressed to certain people.

I'm done here.
I hope I didn't offend you or anything... I was merely trying to help with understanding and such as you said that I lost you with the earlier attempts to explain. But if you don't wish to talk further, that's ok too...
Main issue was you essentially saying that there is only one way to interpret the Bible and anything else, and/or any interpretations that don't fall in line with what you believe/were taught, are wrong. Which, I view as a very close minded thing to say and, predictably, I took offense to that as that is something that I know I'm not alone with.
Just to straight up tell you and not leave you in the dark. That much I owe you here and I hope you understand. I'll read what ever you might say as a response but I likely won't reply, or at least try not to.
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