Terraria Community Forums

Hie the Badger
Hie the Badger
8 years now.
Hie the Badger
Hie the Badger
And I will continue to study all that I can. And I will stand at nothing to get more information.
Hie the Badger
Hie the Badger
I always get the information I want.
I think everyone need to be at least little doctor to how to deal with some little problem on their body . Also pal in which subject are you practising , naturopathy , anatomy or something specific ?
Hie the Badger
Hie the Badger
Well first and foremost I am a herbalist. I'd be more of a herbalist if the mother :red:ing plants didn't die out from lack of bees. So I'd be in line with naturopathy. What I do manage to scratch together actually works. Otherwise I'd be face down in the bed all day.
I see myself in words of you , but still sometimes little anatomy needed for muscle spasm or else . It is nice to see another herbalist in the world of pills .
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