Terraria Community Forums

My opinion: so first off, its just an animal, not a person, but that doesn't mean its ok. People are definitely overreacting, threats, for killing a dog? Absolutely ridiculous. Now of course, what she said about killing it because it was a ":red:ty dog" and the owner was "a really bad person" but there is no way that justifies that. Possibly if the owner was abusive, but seriously, what has the world come to?
my opinion: there is a special place in hell for people who kill dogs.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
I don't completely understand the context, but it seems to me that this "Scott" killed a dog purely because the owner was an :red:.

Because, you know, giving your pet a checkup at the vets CLEARLY indicates you're a bad person, and your dog should be punished for it. /s

I'm with Macman on this one.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
Maybe it was a long time ago, and maybe Scott has changed drastically, but that was a really disgusting act. I'm not going to sit here and try to say that I haven't done atrocious things, and nobody else should either. Everyone has done garbage things, but that should usually be kept personal
Huh. I didn't think much of it. Tbh it sounds like the kind of think I would do, killing someone's animal to get back at them for whatever reason. I don't think much of animals tho, what's so special about them? They're dumb, and have no feelings or conscious thought process whatsoever. What's the big deal that someone killled one?
Sure, it was someone's pet, and therefore held a special place in thier heart, but seriously. At the end of the day, a dog is just a lump of flesh that responds to stimuli.
I mean "lump of flesh that responds to stimuli" is pretty much every living creature to a certain extent.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
I own a dog, and I can confirm with unwavering conviction that they have feelings, emotion, intelligence, and thought. I don't say that lightly. Animals are not machines.
Trust me when I say animals have souls. Killing a dog is crossing a line in my book.
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