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  • You know, lately I've kind of grown tired of seeing the mentality that if you have 1,000+ hours on a game, you can't hate said game and can't leave a negative review on it? Are people just forgetting that most addictions are actually unhealthy and that you don't necessarily have to enjoy something to be addicted to it?
    This is further compounded by all of the criminal practices in videogames nowadays that promote addiction that should frankly be outlawed. Daily quests, daily login rewards, limited time events and incredibly grindy battle passes, all of these things coax players into coming back regardless of whether or not they're actually enjoying themselves.
    I guess I've just seen one too many ridicules of Steam reviews where the reviewer has 1,000 hours at the time of the review and 3,000 hours total, as if they can't say the game is bad because of this. Something like, "if you hate Starfield, why did you play 100 hours of it instead of 5?" Even bad games can be addictive.
    I was heavily addicted to Magic the Gathering: Arena at one point, but I absolutely hated most of my time playing it due to inherent RNG and P2W elements in the game. But the few times I won was just enough dopamine to keep me playing, and it was incredibly hard for me to drop completely. Its very comparable to other addictions such as, say, smoking, or gambling.
    Existential/philosophical musing prompted by Markiplier's Slay the Princess playthrough, but while I acknowledge the necessity of death and change to give life value, I don't think anyone who fears death fears it for the concept of death itself, but rather the inability to decide when that death arrives.
    True, but even suicide is something that can be ultimately derived from the perceived futility of existence and the inability to choose the times when tragedy occurs. People aren't scared of dying, but rather the inability to decide when they and their loved ones are ready to die, and the paranoia of when it could unexpectedly take them.
    Therefore, an ideal world isn't one that is devoid of death, but instead one of which you are able to choose when to die when you're sure life has nothing to offer you, otherwise life's pleasures have no meaning. Like the Good Place!
    Just a thought that crossed my mind when given the options to the endings of Slay the Princess, where you're given the option of stagnation - a life without death and also the presence of said death to give it meaning - or change - where you wonder what the purpose of living is if it will be inevitably taken away. There is no wrong choice, but neither is the perfect existence.
    Maybe this is impossible due to limitations imposed by Steam, but after 13 years of Terraria, I really think the game would benefit from having an officially developed method to downgrade to previous versions of the game. I think the GOG version has something like that already? Its something to consider.
    I believe it's possible to at least mock something like that up, as with Terraria: Undeluxe edition, but it's generally not advisable to downgrade as it can corrupt files
    Maybe this is skibidi due to limitations imposed by skibidi toilet, but after 13 years of skibidi toilet, I really think the game would skibidi from having an officially developed skibidi to skibidi to skibidi versions of the skibidi. I think the GOG version has something like skibidialready? Its something to skibidi.
    @BookWyrm Honestly, all I'd really want use a potential downgrading feature for is so that I can finish the Terraria playthrough I started around when 1.4. started without having adjust to the influx of changes that have occurred since then. Sometimes its just nice to be able to play in the same version after coming back from a long break.
    Ever find yourself plagued by a creative idea that you know that you don't have the skill or time to make? I've been getting many expansive ideas for a Terraria thrower revival mod, but on top of everything, I don't have the time to learn how to code or make pixel art for it.
    Eating any food that is labeled as "two-bite" in two bites is objectively incorrect. You either:

    - Eat them in a larger quantity of smaller, slower bites, to savour them
    - Eat them in one bite, just to prove you can
    i gotta do the lots of small bites one because my mouth is really freaking tiny for some reason (idc about "savouring them", eating is a "just get it over with" thing for me)
    You know what sucks about contemplating the possibility of a vegetarian/vegan diet? The fact that society has virtually no support for it. Every restaurant caters meat as the primary attraction on their menu with like one vegetarian option, tops. Makes food choices seem incredibly shallow.
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    I'm not vegetarian, but my advice is: eat crackers. My diet is mostly composed of various brands of crackers because of my flavor and texture sensitivities, and it's great! And I also eat waffles, cheerios, grilled cheese, V8, garlic bread, spaghetti, etc.
    am not vegan but crackers are the GOAT
    "Why do you prefer the winter months over summer?"
    I mean, nowadays? It's because in the winter there's an incredibly lower likelihood that the entire country will be on fire and there will be a lesser chance that everyone will have to evacuate their homes.
    I honestly think either Equinoxes are the best months. Summer is way too hot, and winter is way too cold. The only thing that I like is that Winter shows that school is somewhat half way there and summer is cause of all of the things you can do.
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    The reason I like the Equinoxes better is that they're not too cold or not too hot. I kind of like fall more because of October and November and how it Las less mosquitos than Spring and summer.
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    However, the only downside is that when it comes to cleaning a leaves, it can be a damn chore to deal with especially if you have a big yard like I do.
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    For real, can I have more games with Dark Souls-like gameplay that don't go out of their way to incorporate a bunch of gross, extremely dark stuff like extreme gore and incest in the lore? Elden Ring and its combat would be the perfect game for me if there wasn't a nightmarish abomination around every corner.
    Its nice and clean in the roundtable hold!

    I suppose it’s no fun to just sit there, though. I did that for a long time..

    If you think elden is gruesome and bloody and weird, then you would HATE bloodborne..
    Maybe Elden Ring isn't the worst of the worst, but it's certainly darker than other fantasy games like, say, Skyrim. There's an entire "Dark Fantasy" genre dedicated towards making the most of the gruesome and the macabre, and most souls-like titles seem to be placed in it. I could really do with like a censorship mod that replaces those elements with something else, that'd be great
    Ever just feel like that there are some people that are NPCs? Not in the sense that they behave irregularly, but rather, they're just so inexplicably good at doing something that they couldn't possibly have taken the time to actually learn it, as if they were just placed there as a background character who already knows everything.
    Honestly the human brain will never cease to amaze me. You’re right, some people can just do phenomenal things without much thought. It’s kind of fascinating, really.
    Multiple times for me, actually. Wasn't sure if it was because they started learning it since they were extremely young, if they're just simply gifted, or both. I don't know.
    For real, does anyone even customize those accounts that some multiplayer games force you to make in order to play them? I'll usually make them and then forget they ever existed, but they usually have avatar settings and everything.
    Look, I know I've already spent a lot of energy nagging on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, but aside from Dexit still being present, my expectations were regardless still pretty high? But some of these technical issues people have encountered are just... wow. What a rough release.
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    Though Legends: Arceus is also a core series game, so that's basically three core series games this year (counting ScVi separately).
    Ooh yeah Conquest II would be awesome. ^^
    (Or Ranger, but I imagine that would be heavily different from the DS games--)
    I'd just like to see a return to pixel art.
    With how SV has been reported to be preforming, if they said they didn't include all the Pokemon this time to improve frame rates or something, I may have actually believed them. But yeah, a game of this scope definitely required more development time, especially when the company publishing them is Gamefreak and they've historically mediocre at making 3D content to begin with.
    Oh hey, look, my favourite Pokemon didn't make it into a main series Pokemon game! Again! More reason for me not to buy Scarlet and Violet, I guess...
    Sigmund Froid
    Sigmund Froid
    It's frustrating, cause the size of the Franchise really makes it inexcusable to put so little effort into the product... But at the end of the day, the Games aren't the thing that makes money, so the Pokémon Company has no interest in investing more into the Game Development...
    Honestly, Dexit isn't the real issue to me. I never use any Pokemon outside of the Pokedex anyway, so it likely wouldn't be very impactful for my playing experience. My problem has always been that they've never given us a legitimate reason to cut half the Pokedex; every excuse they've given has either been proven to be a lie or otherwise inaccurate.
    If they said that they decided to remove most of the Pokemon from SWSH just because they felt like it, I would have been upset, but more comfortable with their explanation. If they said the reason there's only 400 Pokemon is SV is to make it run better, I would be okay with that... if it was true and wasn't an explanation coming from the most profitable franchise in the world.
    Modern Pokemon fans be like: dang, Pokemon Sword and Shield were some of the most lackluster entries in the series, in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl were the worst remakes to date... Legends Arceus was cool, but needed more polish and content. Anyway, I'm off to preorder Pokemon Scarlet and Violet!
    Also, Hidden Power. Why did they remove it in gen 8?! also they better bring back Flash being useful to light up caves, I say as I blindly go through Rock Tunnel in firered without it
    After reflecting on this status, it occurs to me that what I've said is pretty directly toxic/demeaning to people that have preordered the games, so for that I apologize. That said, history has shown time and time again that you should never pay for something that hasn't been released and you don't have enough information on, so I'd also advise against it in the future.
    Not that it matters what I say since I imagine Σ has blocked me already... sigh. If it's any consolation, I want to like the franchise, and I'll probably end up getting Sword/Shield/Scarlet/Violet as a used copy eventually. Despite my reservations against the games, Generation 8 had a score of good Pokemon designs that lure me back despite my commitments ;-;
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