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Like how the divine heir is locked up in a little shack with a giant hole in the side that's easily accessible by any of the 700 ninjas that live in the area, he's allowed to bring a SWORD with him, AND THE BUILDING IS LOCKED FROM THE INSIDE. Were they TRYING to let him escape?
And then there's the guy that asks you to see what the ashina want to buy so he can sell it to them. Later on, you find two guards who are beating you over the head with the fact that they need salt.
"So you're saying we're out of salt?"
"Yes. We use it for cooking, of course."
It's like in a book when one of the characters says "As you already know, [exposition]"
And then you need to get a blood sample for emma so she can cure the dragonrot, you just walk up to a sick guy and say, "I'm taking a blood sample." Does that not sound like a threat?
And when you give it to her, the dialogue is hecka stilted:
"I've obtained one."(a normal human would say "I've got a blood sample" or "I've got one")
"A blood sample. Let me see."(another normal human would say "A blood sample? Let me see.")
It's hilariously bad. No wonder from software doesn't do much in the way of story in most of their games.
Oh yeah, and back when you're rescuing the divine heir, you blow the whistle and he just immediately appears there, despite the fact that there's like a mile worth of cliffs, guards, and huge drops in the way. And the guards on the bridge just happen to be talking about the SECRET PASSAGE that's JUST BELOW THIS BRIDGE WE'RE STANDING ON and we need to GUARD IT(which is why no one's guarding it expect at the very end).
And the bit where the other guards are standing on the bridge saying "Boy, it sure is a SHAME that the ARMOR on that BIG GUY is so POORLY FITTING, because it would be horrible if it were to COME OFF, wouldn't it?"
"Yes, that would be a HUGE SHAME if some SHINOBI PROTAGONIST happened to be LISTENING right now!"
(2 seconds later you find an item with a description that goes something like this)
Can be used to REMOVE POORLY FITTING ARMOR from enemies such as the one those guards were JUST TALKING ABOUT, what a COINCIDENCE you happened to hear that RIGHT BEFORE you get the necessary item!
The guards' AI is really stupid too, like how there will be two of them standing in the exact same spot on a bridge, facing AWAY from both ends of the bridge to prevent them from SEEING anyone who might want to EAVESDROP.
"Shouldn't we be facing the ends of the bridge so we can, you know, actually guard it?"
"Oh come on, it's not like some ninja is just gonna sneak up behind us and OH MY GOSH"
(they both get killed from behind)
I just can't get over how blatantly expository it is. Who did they hire to write the dialogue, Stephanie meyer?
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