Terraria Community Forums

We have the ability to create entirely new dimensions with minimal resource cost, we have assigned positions in our society which we can alter the next generation during their development to perfectly fit (which is why the assessors are so weak), we have the ability to create entirely new layers in the terrarian plane invisible to all other life forms.
and finally, we have the ability to look anywhere in any other dimension without being physically present.
Lihzahrd Scout Ω
Lihzahrd Scout Ω
Super wow
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...are you spying on me?
Not at the moment. The pillars were genetically engineered by us, so we don't really need to spy on them :D
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so...am I a clone?
Selenians aren't quite clones, we just created your ancestors from raw genetic material, yes, but we gave them everything they would need to create a civilization on their new home planet. You're descended from clones, but aren't a clone yourself.
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so...am I a science experiment?
We knew exactly what we were doing, so you're more like a... living weapon?
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I question my existence now
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The Storm
The Storm
Me too, finding out that I was created by a bunch of giant fleas really hit me hard.
we aren't giant fleas, the zoologist completely made that up to mislead the less intelligent terrarians
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