Terraria Community Forums

I'm glad they're a work of fiction. `:)
King Victor
King Victor
Alot of people would disagree with that assessment.
I think it's likely they exist, but not in the way that most people think. And nowhere near close to where our solar system or even Galaxy is.
It's from thinking how truly huge the Universe is, with hundreds of billions of stars & planets out there, even if there's a 1 in a million chance that a planet will have the right conditions for diverse lifeforms similar to Earth, it's very likely that several planets will have lifeforms that evolve in a similar way to Earth out of billions of planets that we don't know about.
King Victor
King Victor
I see your thought process, but it's much more than a million percent chance. I'd recommend the book Privileged Planet, where it explains how the chances of life are so slim it's basically impossible,
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