Terraria Community Forums

Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
my 15th chimps run will be on town center, then i can continue playing normally
Top-middle glue should only be used if you're going for 2-5-0, as this allows the +1 damage ability debuff to be applied to MOAB-class bloons. You should put such a glue gunner further away from the track, or closer to the exit, as 2-x-x overrides x-x-3 glue, so you only want to use it for the ability.
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
i feel that it's pretty stupid that corrosive glue overrides moab glue. the only reason i went for 230 glue is for glue soak so cb master wouldn't miss, and i didn't think moab glue would ignore corrosive glued moabs. luckily pspike took r98 head on, i only got the bfbs and zomgs down to moabs and cerams. i always underestimate pspike lol
Did btd get a magic the cards update since i was gone this sounds like some mad strategy
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
what version was the game when you last played?
Idk havent played in bout 5 years
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