Terraria Community Forums

Willow the wisp
Willow the wisp
dude, they're working as fast as they can...
I know I know...
Terraria on tiny Galaxy Note20 screen vs. my big screen...... And a controller vs. my enlarged phalanges... The winning factor always ends up being Mobile Terraria...because the Journeys End update is just that good.

My consoles Journeys End is nowhere in sight 😢😢😥
ok maybe a bit far with the tears
Willow the wisp
Willow the wisp
well... aren't they hopeful that it'll be out soon? have you looked at the sotg?
Yeah last months.... It's "coming along" but having trouble with the UI updates supposedly.... Haven't seen any SOTG for april yet.

And I mean... I know they are working hard at it, so I assume they are hopeful.
The only certainty I have is my own hope....I could keep going but I feel like it's turning into a movie about losing hope/missed chances and learning lessons... Or some cliche "after school special" message
Willow the wisp
Willow the wisp
the sotg comes out at the end of the month, around the 24th to 28th
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Well that is suuuuuper useful information, actually..... Thank very much.
Willow the wisp
When pipeworks was developing console 1.3 the update was delayed 3 times iirc, at the last minute, and even after those delays the update still was very buggy when it came out. So be grateful that you don’t have to deal with the disappointment constant delays and wrong release date estimates.
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