Terraria Community Forums

Why the :red: does this need to happen, especially in the midst of a global pandemic crisis? Surely a world superpower annexing another country simply "for the lols" should be something left in the :red:ty pages of the history books? Why risk nuclear war for this :red:? Putin is a power hungry tyrant and I :red:ing hate it.
And you can't even blame Russia for it. I know good people who live in Russia, who have nothing to do with this garbage. If people want to fight, just blow up all the :red:ing military institutions for all I care, and leave civilians out of it. Play god in your own little corner, not off the strife of others.
2021 was already the worst year ever for me. My cat, Cooper, died. My father no longer lives with us anymore. I'm constantly fretting over the health of my remaining pets and my parents, and my grandparents on my mother's side have both taken turns for the worst and might pass away soon. I don't need callous sociopaths in charge deciding when to :red: over the world for little reason than to flaunt their power.
And, a climate crisis, you say? "What the :red: is that?" The world leaders answered.

Here comes the thoughts of self harm again.
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