Terraria Community Forums

Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
So the chicken wing goes on the burning pan and starts to cook, then Aquaman comes and saves the wing, the chicken wing 🍗 starts flapping and starts flying with Aquaman on it. Aqua man tells the chicken wing that he loves the wing and has been stalking him for the past 69 years, the wing then admits it's love to and they make out. (Proceed next post).
Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
The wing stops flapping and they fall 69,000,000 feet from the sky onto the burning pan and they explode. This all happened at a restaurant called McDonald's, and so the chef at McDonald's served cooked blood that day. Now the question is how would you feel if you were the one that got served cooked blood.
o_Owha- ?
Okay um I would feel disgusted lol
It depends on the color
Someone that needs help
i'm legit serious, what color is the blood, as i have seen many colors of blood get shoved into my mind
Someone that needs help
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