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You're comparing a hardmode-copper spear with weapons that actually required effort and RNG to get. Cobalt tier are for those that havn't prepared for hardmode.
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
I have never heard a more accurate depiction of cobalt equipment
yea, the night's edge was a bit of an overstatement, but atleast have it be better than the dark lance, a pre hardmode post skeletron item. Plus, @Flowersteef if thats why cobalt exists, it shouldn't. If you're unprepared, you stand there; and question why the hell you killed wof then.
plus, that can also be a lie for a few sole cobalt items; THE COBALT PICKAXE, DRILL, WARAXE, and CHAINSAW. You need the pickaxe/drill for progression, and also; the axe and chainsaw can be useful for a tiny bit as you might need wood.
Multiplayer exists, someone, or a group could have advanced into hardmode, and the one that rarely visits would be better off going for cobalt rather than mining in the underworld for a previous tier armor.

...or not, it'll still depend in each playstyle.
Ok, fair point. fair point. However, can you say the same about palladium? no. Its armor has a VERY GOOD set bonus of regeneration. Plus, It's items can be actually pretty good for some early hardmode bosses such as the queen slime, and for farming biome mimics.
its a decent tier to settle on, which i say you should as to not make the bosses too easy (making it less fun), and as it slows your roll and allows you to calm down and truly enjoy terraria and focus on other tasks, and let your imagination go wild! This is a sandbox game by the way, not an RPG!
Do things such as: Hey, let's slow down this mining.. Let's build a house for the truffle! Let's build a Mech arena! Let's fight the hardmode goblins! Let's make a potion farm! How about we find that one spider biome so we can make a summoner set-up? Let's Fish! How about we farm a bit for the ankh shield & cell phone?
Let's revamp our base! Lets Make a plantera bulb farm so we won't have an absolute mental breakdown after the mechs! So, why can't cobalt also be like palladium? Why does it have to be weaker than some pre-hardmode items? I mean, I understand the Night's Edge.
It's like a legendary pet in a simulator game, It beats the low teir pets of the next egg. So, I understand that. Cobalt Sword is better than the Firey Greatsword (I REFUSE TO CALL IT VOLCANO!), which should be true. Therefore, WHY IS IT'S NAGINATA WORSE THAN THE DARK LANCE? makes no sense. only would if dark lance was crafted like the Night's edge.
So, Cobalt tier needs a buff in order to be like its successor, Palladium. Not all though. The sword's fine, and only requires a damage increase by like 4 and it's good. What should truly be buffed is the armor, Naginata, and the repeater as they just aren't anywhere near worth. How to buff these? simple. Cobalt armor has been buffed before, in defense. however, i'd change its bonuses;
as the bonuses it gives are so common to see on other things that THEY'RE USELESS! Melee? Simple. True melee attacks lifesteal. (it heals around 1-2 health every 3-4 hits, which is op enough to bring others to use the tier) Ranger? just as simple. Musket balls & Regular Arrows turn into Cobalt Bullets & Cobalt Arrows, which pierce a single entity and inflict poison on them
(due to the fact that IRL cobalt is a poisonous metal). Mage? Piece of Cake. Makes your mana Cobalt Mana, which makes everything take 2/3 of its mana cost away instead of completely (If it costs only 1 it still takes 1). Repeater? Buff damage by 4. now there's a chance for you to rely on it for a bit.
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