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This happens very rarely though.
The reason why is because I can extract the oxygen from the air around me directly into my body. I can use it to give me huge bursts of energy at once. This, I can also do in water as my skin will have the same function as gills (just much more potent)
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
I don't really need to breathe. I just pretend so that my colleagues/friends get less freaked out. After all, they think I'm unnatural already with my "human glow stick" skin (All the cursed fire in my veins tend to make me glow in the dark), if they look at me not breathing, then, well, I've already sent a few people to the asylum already from freak outs.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
I don't really want to inconvenience (at the very least), their sanity any further :3
Giyahahah! Well, aren't you one special little Gary Stu, huh~?

You keep on socializing with the peasants, I'm just gonna hang out where I belong -- in Hell. See you there.
Even if you don't meet your doom and get thrown down here soon, you will be tempted to come down one day yourself.
Free Wi-Fi should be enough to tempt you.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
But anyway, *pulls out pliers*, time for me to head back to my local haunt and get rid of all of these crystal shards in me *Pulls a shard out and flings it away*
Nasty little things, crystal bullets. When I find the person who thought spraying me with a chaingun was funny, I will make them reconsider from doing it again.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Beside, socialising with the locals will make the likelihood of more allies and less enemies more a reality, and that makes my eternal existence a lot easier. :)
Now now, as I admire your guts, you shouldn't take it too far. Poor thing probably didn't even know what the consequenses COULD be. Sh!t, they probably didn't even know what they were aiming at~
Do go easy on them and simply "let them know" what the consequenses will be if they do it intentionally. It will be entertaining + more people will know not to bother you anymore
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Well getting shot in the face with a crystal bullet is similar to a glass bottle in that it HURTS.
And coupled with the fact that my powers are corruption derived, the wound won't heal until I get the shards out.
But ah well. I'll just melt their Mythril anvil.
But if I get shot in the face again....
No mercy.
Good enough I guess.. It'll send the message at least.
Personally, I'd take a a finger or two to absorb into my own body for future use as a method of taxing them, but oh well, I guess people have different methods of approaching different situations. *shrugs*
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
it carries a lesson though. And a simple one.
Don't shoot the humanoid abomination that can easily reduce your house to a burnt out crater.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
And also it appears that you were human at one point, did the mask convert you over time?
Hum, it has? I haven't though about it like that.
When you say it like that, I guess it has.
It happened so gradually, and as it took over part of the brain first, made me unable to see any problems and not raising any questions as to what and why it was happening.
Funny thing really. I still feel like my body is just under it's skin, but when I check by either removing the skin, nothing but a hole right through where I checked is there. I can still feel my "body" but I now have more to controll. If I just imagine and desire it, I can feel my body changing into, let's say, a feline creature. It still feels like my own human body, just that I've dropped down on four.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Heh. Sneaky little thing.
You wanna hear how I came to be, considering you've divulged on how you got your otherworldly powers?
I don't see why not.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
I was the average scrub, the lowest of the low, relying on luck rather than skill to survive. I got too smug for my own good and ventured into the corruption to collect the eater of world's carcass and hang that on my wall.
I vastly underestimated the threat the creatures faced.
Got torn up badly, and then dropped on a demon altar which impaled me. I was dead.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
But not for long. Later I had learned that the God of the corruption tried another escape attempt on a blood moon of all nights. The escape attempt usually involves the demon altars sapping his power away and unleashing it in a shockwave that keep the enviroment corrupted.
I took the shockwave at point blank.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Next thing I know, I wake up with a spike portruding through my chest, and after pulling myself off it and watching the hole in my chest close on it's own, began to get slightly creeped out. An Eater of Worlds was also disturbed from it's slumber and attacked me, whereapon my powers manifested in offensive form and I demolished the creature with my bare hands.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
I also found out I could form wings made out of cursed fire from my back, which I used to make my way out of the chasms and on my way home.
After that I gained the ability to hold my own in a fight, and my luck/skill went up from there.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
But don't take me as being invincible. Hallowed things can hurt and kill me, as well as the fact that my healing factor can also be exhausted if I take too much damage too quickly.
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