Terraria Community Forums

I like that haiku.
It reminds me of Steam Train.
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.
Dakota Spine
Dakota Spine
Glad that you like it.
It wasn't too hard to make.
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.
I thought jon was funnier
I don't watch it really anymore
it's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

I can't explain it now
It's too hard to Haiku it
still snowing on Mt. Fuji
Dakota Spine
Dakota Spine
That is alright, man.
I respect your opinions.
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

I just realized.
this reference may not make,
Sense to some people... and it's snowing on Mt. Fuji, also.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
To me, Jon will always be my favourite Not-So-Grump. I'm not sad that he left or anything...

Baww, who am I kidding?
But why does Jon always have to be brought up when talking about Game Grumps?
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
He was the first Not-So-Grump. He and Arin had this... chemistry between them that I don't particularly feel with Danny. Don't get me wrong, Danny is fun to see too, but Jon just had that rare charm, and those two got along particularly well.
That's not what I asked tho. My point is every time the Game Grumps get brought up outside of YouTube or whatever, Jon gets brought up a lot. But he's not part of Game Grumps anymore.
Arin has said too that they don't want to talk about Jon all the time because that would be dwelling on the old Game Grumps, and that's not who they are anymore.
I still love Jon, although I do like Danny more in terms of improvisation. Jon is better at scripted stuff.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Perhaps. There's no way to tell unless you were actually there though.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
You know, actually with Arin and co.
I don't understand. What can't you tell unless you were there?
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Whether the lines/actions are scripted or improvised.
The lines in Game Grumps aren't scripted though. Except in the live-action stuff.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Again, something you wouldn't know for sure unless you were part of their team.
Dakota Spine
Dakota Spine
I dunno, all their reactions seem pretty genuine. I really doubt the actual videos of Game Grumps are scripted. Sure, some clips they do that aren't gameplay or anything are scripted for the most part, but I highly doubt the actual meat of the videos are scripted.
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