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I lose interest in a game very easily when it tries to take over your life. I'd rather play a game every day because it's fun, not because you will be :red:ed in the :red: if you don't.

by the tine the game plays you more than you play the game, it's not a game anymore.
a great example of what I mean is "Mighty Quest for Epic Loot"
"Grindy" MMO's are a good example too. Take Destiny for example.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
I don't know many that require playing them every day... There's some that give you rewards for logging in every day, but when I get bored, I stop playing, and resume playing later on, screw rewards.
I mean games like mighty quest for epic loot that don't reward you for playing the game, but rather punish you for not playing it. and unfortunately for me, lots of the games that interest me in the end punish you for not playing it. so If I loose interest in the game and want to take like a weeks break from it, I will be screwed next time I start playing.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
Oh, that's ONE game I stopped playing, and now I remember why.

Punishing the player for not playing your game is one of the dumbest gimmicks I've seen in the last decade, and any game which does it needs to not be played at all, to educate game developers that no, we won't take their :red:.

Quote Joshua from "War Games."
it's REALLY unfortunate for MQfEL's case, at least for me, because I really liked the gameplay of it, building dungeons and tackling other's dungeons. (although it was somewhat limited, it was still fun) but having to lose my actual in game currency for purchasing better equipment, and losing power to fix my dungeon just ruined it for me.

I also liked the artistic style and music in the game.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
So it's a lot like those FPSs where you have to pay in-game currency for time-limited guns and then you'll have to play to get more money to extend their time, creating a vicious circle of I-Better-Go-Play-Borderlands-2-Instead.
Borderlands 2 is an example of one of those games that I played nearly every day until I beat it, simply because of how fun it was. it's even better with the DLCs.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
BL2 is a game I've beaten in most ways possible, because it manages to still be fun while you're punishing yourself. My latest run was a "no backpack" scav run, only using what I find, and only being able to keep weapons I can fit in my "in use" slots (the ones you can access with the 1-4 keys.) To get a new, better weapon, I have to drop one of the ones I have. Same applies to gear.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
At one point I had three sniper rifles of diferent elements because purple. :dryadindifferent:
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