Terraria Community Forums

A moderator dose more then simply enforce the rules of the forum, we also clean it up. That topic was closed because it was necroed, as in it was posted in when it no longer has any relevance. It was about an astrological event that took place last year, even the last two posts were about leaving the discussion due to its lack of relevance.
Hie the Badger
Hie the Badger
Then lock it for no longer being relevant. There is no necro rule.
Does it REALLY matter what was listed as the closing reason? The topic was over, it DID get necroed, and now that it has been revived past its time, it has shown that it is no longer relevant.

The necro only served to bring to our attention an out of date topic, which has been now closed.
Hie the Badger
Hie the Badger
But you only confuse people further about necro rules.
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