Terraria Community Forums

Pewdiepie drives me crazy...
Dakota Spine
Dakota Spine
That's alright, everybody has their opinions and such. People just need to accept that he has a charm for other people that they don't enjoy as much. He isn't really hurting anybody, yet everybody treats him like the devil.
I don't watch much of his stuff, but the Photoshop things are pretty hilarious, as I have just got Photoshop and love to muck around with it.
Dakota Spine
Dakota Spine
Those are actually pretty funny :p Honestly, I think he actually has a fair bit of talent using that program.
To be honest, I don't dislike or hate Pewdiepie, I actually like him although I don't watch his videos or follow him.
It's the majority of his fans that drive me nuts.
And it happens with a lot of famous people.
Justin Bieber, for example, I don't care for him or for what he does, but the majority of his fans are plain dumb.
Only thing that annoys me about him is the way he talks. He sounds like he's on helium. And he screams everything. His content is ok tho
Dakota Spine
Dakota Spine
I dunno, he doesn't really scream everything. In fact I don't really recall him screaming that much. If anything, it's just his natural reaction to some things. Everyone is different, y'know?
To be honest, I don't like him.
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