Terraria Community Forums

Supeh Mario
Supeh Mario
I need to take note on how you do these hands.
CraftedNightmare Here!
CraftedNightmare Here!
Please don't kill me
WTF, Szaila, how do you know how to hand? HOW DO YOU HAND SO WELL?
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
She turns her own hand into the shape and then outlines it.
Either that or a wizard did it.
I am not a wizard. I'm a FLESHY wizard!
When I was 13-15, I very occasionally sketched hands in my notebooks at school. I mostly drew :red: but eventually I could draw monster'y hands -- sharp, long and bony fingers, very similar to my other style I have now which I used on @[384:mad:Mystery]'s request way back then.

TL;DR: All those years just drawing :red:-hands has actually payed off qwq
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
No real difference, aside from the fact that your notebook looks like somebody's sneezed raspberry jam and tomato sauce all over it.
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