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Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
I don't see anything wrong in having a series look like a series and not just "disconnected bunch of turds thrown under the same nametag" (see: Final Fantasy.)

I'm not so sure this saga will be good, though. Geriatric actors along with what may be a "dragging it past its prime" plot, and "lens flare, lens flare everywhere" don't really make for a good omen.
Star Wars to me is meh. A good portion of it is well done, but is ruined by mainstream aspects such as the cliche prophecy. Hence, I feel no hype for the new film.
I'm willing to risk disappointment and say it's probably going to be good.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
I definitely think the film will be great but the teasers bore me. Once an actual trailer comes out my interest will probably be sparked
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not predicting any failures. It could very well be a great film. I'm just displaying my disinterest into the series.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
I like it better when the Chosen One tells the prophecy to suck it.

"Usagi, you're the one of prophecy. The one who will defeat the Dark Kingdom and rule the Moon once more."
":red: that, after beating those idiots, I'm going back to Earth."
That kinda did happen in star wars anyways.
They called Anikan the chosen one look at what happened... Although he kinda did drop the emperor down a random bottomless pit he had in his throne room... Never mind.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
No, Yoda was a moron who thought that just because Anakin had more Ki Midichlorians then it meant he was The Chosen One. But in reality he was the one chosen to :red: the Chosen One's mom and thus spawn said Chosen One.

Yoda: "Enough close, heh."
Yoda is probably a hardcore stoner though.
Razor...they bascially stated that Anikan was the one to 'bring balance to the force'.

And he did, because Anikan killed the Emperor, not Luke.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
So, it's a "do the right thing for the wrong reason (Luke)" deal, then.

I guess Star Wars is one of those stories where destiny is a big bad railroad and even those who rebel against it are still running on top of it.

Yeah, pretty much. Though it is an interesting take on a prophecy, no type of one will flip my opinion of how full of crap it is.
I will concede, Starwars is holy :red: overrated, but I grew up with that series, hence why I am excited for the new one.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
I was born with that series.

I liked it much better when it was just three movies and there was no prophecy going on, just a farmer boy beating an evil warlock - IN SPACE.
I have to agree, the older three were much better than the newer.
Not to mention, none of this.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
They had no Ki Chakra Spirit Bending Midichlorians either.
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher
I didn't really mind that character, to be honest. It's mostly just the mainstream, predictable stuff that threw me off.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
Plot twist for the new movies: That hooded guy is actually Darth Jar Jar, who joined the Dark Side after being left for dead by the Jedi. "Mesa no cares if they all dead, mesa still thinks they should have saved Jar Jar."
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