Terraria Community Forums

nobody anymore
nobody anymore
Ranger is the most fun to play as imho.

More fun then just spamming spells or autoswing beam swords
What's the difference between autoswing beam sword (which is only terra blade) and autofire guns? o_O
Don´t worry. It gets better once you get to Hardmode, if only for the exploding bullets, and that it is pretty much when the bullets and arrows get interesting.
nobody anymore
nobody anymore
@ppowersteef Ammunition. You can't just spam it unless your inv is flooded with it. You need to be able to actually aim accurately and competently.
Ragnar The Terrarian
Ragnar The Terrarian
@Darqfalls PFF cough cough chlorophyte bullets cough cough sorry what were we talking about?? Oh yeah accuracy *cough*
nobody anymore
nobody anymore
Chlorophyte are late game, and if you have to rely on them, you shouldn't have been playing Ranger to begin with. I only use Silver Bullets.
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