Standalone [] Terraria Leveled RPG mod

Me and Gotest were Trying to wrap our heads around this little Bug .. if anyone has ever encountered it Tell you all how to Fix it.

By normal Means The Stat Flower Looks Like this under "Windowed" or "Borderless" by 800x600


However if you Changed the Resolution or Go into Full Screen it ends up looking like this...


For any Reason this happens "Save and Exit your game" and Go into your Video Settings and change it to "800x600" and set it to "borderless"
then Close and Restart your Client. and your Stat Flower Should be back to normal size

Borderless will be your Substitute for FullScreen for the time being.

Edit: I ALSO WANT TO POINT OUT....about "Small", "medium", and large Maps. As using each Type Effects the amount of Memory your CPU will use so please unless you have Alot of RAM/Memory do not make Large maps.
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Keep getting this bug when I open up the Mod Options menu at the title screen.


Edit: To be more specific, the Player HP section of the mod options. Also going in-game just straight up crashes my game without any error of sorts. :/
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Keep getting this bug when I open up the Mod Options menu at the title screen.


Edit: To be more specific, the Player HP section of the mod options. Also going in-game just straight up crashes my game without any error of sorts. :/

I cant see the image it shows as
Keep getting this bug when I open up the Mod Options menu at the title screen.


Edit: To be more specific, the Player HP section of the mod options. Also going in-game just straight up crashes my game without any error of sorts. :/
Lol oops. I forgot to change something.
When the error is up, hold down enter and try to change the healthbar type by clicking it. It should eventually change because you do get a frame to change it. Or just delete the settings file. This is likely because your health bar setting was set to the KH bar before the update. So it's set to a value that I removed, but didn't clean properly.
Lol oops. I forgot to change something.
When the error is up, hold down enter and try to change the healthbar type by clicking it. It should eventually change because you do get a frame to change it. Or just delete the settings file. This is likely because your health bar setting was set to the KH bar before the update. So it's set to a value that I removed, but didn't clean properly.

Ah ok. I tried the hold down enter method and that didn't work. :sigh: I'll just have to delete the settings file instead.

Edit: Actually... Where do I find that? XD Don't wanna mess with other important files.
Ah ok. I tried the hold down enter method and that didn't work. :sigh: I'll just have to delete the settings file instead.

Edit: Actually... Where do I find that? XD Don't wanna mess with other important files.

I believe its found in "My Documents > My Games > Terraria Leveled" then Delete the Config JSON file
Not a problem. Thank you for the support, I do appreciate it.

Please don't keep me in the dark everyone. I know this hasn't been FULLY resolved, but I'd like to know if the crashing has slowed down or stopped.
Large worlds crashing on creation seems to have stopped for me. Also, the little 1x1 'snow mounds' in the Snow biome are giving anywhere from 21-500 EXP.
Me and Gotest were Trying to wrap our heads around this little Bug .. if anyone has ever encountered it Tell you all how to Fix it.

By normal Means The Stat Flower Looks Like this under "Windowed" or "Borderless" by 800x600


However if you Changed the Resolution or Go into Full Screen it ends up looking like this...


For any Reason this happens "Save and Exit your game" and Go into your Video Settings and change it to "800x600" and set it to "borderless"
then Close and Restart your Client. and your Stat Flower Should be back to normal size

Borderless will be your Substitute for FullScreen for the time being.

Edit: I ALSO WANT TO POINT OUT....about "Small", "medium", and large Maps. As using each Type Effects the amount of Memory your CPU will use so please unless you have Alot of RAM/Memory do not make Large maps.
I have a feeling that's related to games resizing UI elements whenever the window mode is changed.
Hey did you happen to add more throwing (throwing not ranged) weapons, or is grenades the end of my progression on those still? I notice you have an entire leveling path exclusively for throwing, so I found myself curious on if it's going to have stunted growth, or what you've done to make it an interesting choice.
Heads up, left clicking on the health bar options in the main menu when you get up to the KH2 lifebar based on your base HP will spit an error at you, requiring you to delete the config.json file to un-bork it. Haven't run into any other issues yet.
Hey did you happen to add more throwing (throwing not ranged) weapons, or is grenades the end of my progression on those still? I notice you have an entire leveling path exclusively for throwing, so I found myself curious on if it's going to have stunted growth, or what you've done to make it an interesting choice.
I did a pure throw during multiplayer, and let's just say that you will need *lots* of beenades (What number? For a three player, I had used 300ish for just one WoF run. Until Terraria properly corrects throwing, you're stuck with that mainly. There won't be any plans at all for adding custom items, as we are trying to keep it as vanilla as possible content-wise.
I did a pure throw during multiplayer, and let's just say that you will need *lots* of beenades (What number? For a three player, I had used 300ish for just one WoF run. Until Terraria properly corrects throwing, you're stuck with that mainly. There won't be any plans at all for adding custom items, as we are trying to keep it as vanilla as possible content-wise.
I was considering that the throwing skills might be potentially grossly powerful presently. such as the scaling would crank them significantly better to make up for it. If throwing scales better than ranged, as a temporary formula solution, you can fix the issue without having to implement new weapons.
Woohoo, it's back!

I've started a magic playthrough, and I've run into a balance problem (albeit partially of my own devising). Due to fishing up a Rockfish and Reaver Shark ASAP, I was able to get at a Crimson Heart from the side and break it... triggering both a meteroite and a Goblin Invasion. The Invasion proceeded to brutally murder me several times, due to being level 21 (compared to the goblins' levels of ~30) and not having really powerful gear, other than the fish tools.
I'm not sure how common this sort of thing would be, or if it could be fixed, but it would be nice if there was some way to decline invasions significantly more powerful than you.
Woohoo, it's back!

I've started a magic playthrough, and I've run into a balance problem (albeit partially of my own devising). Due to fishing up a Rockfish and Reaver Shark ASAP, I was able to get at a Crimson Heart from the side and break it... triggering both a meteroite and a Goblin Invasion. The Invasion proceeded to brutally murder me several times, due to being level 21 (compared to the goblins' levels of ~30) and not having really powerful gear, other than the fish tools.
I'm not sure how common this sort of thing would be, or if it could be fixed, but it would be nice if there was some way to decline invasions significantly more powerful than you.
Rushing orbs/hearts isn't too much of an issue (I do it as soon as soon as I get 10+ bombs), but the main issue is you have to get something you utilize. Otherwise, if an event decides to pop up, you get squashed.
Also, has anyone gotten past Skeletron yet?
I just uploaded another update. Just some small memory optimizations. Not much, but it might help. Also fixed the issue with an error with selecting a healtbar style when right clicking.
Rushing orbs/hearts isn't too much of an issue (I do it as soon as soon as I get 10+ bombs), but the main issue is you have to get something you utilize. Otherwise, if an event decides to pop up, you get squashed.
Also, has anyone gotten past Skeletron yet?

Yeah, I just wasn't expecting it to be 10 levels above me.
On the other hand, the meteorite gear has enabled me to get past Skeletron.

I've also picked up a snazzy ability, Mana Shield. It appears to convert 50% of incoming damage from HP loss to MP loss (as long as you have MP). However, if it reduces your MP to 0, it prevents natural MP regen for 15 seconds. I've yet to get a Mana Flower, but it'll be interesting to see how that works with it, especially for a non-mage who dabbled just enough to grab Mana Shield. The Space Gun/Meteor Armor combo definitely works well with it though, since the set bonus means you don't need that mana anyway.
This looks cool, I'll definitely try it out.
Question, if I run a server using this, and I invite my friends to join, do they have to download and install this as well?
I just uploaded another update. Just some small memory optimizations. Not much, but it might help. Also fixed the issue with an error with selecting a healtbar style when right clicking.

Yeah, I had just hopped on while I was getting ready for work to correct myself and say "right click" instead of "left click." In my defense, I was half asleep at the time, kinda like I am now.
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