Items a checklist for shimmer upgrades


once you find the shimmer for the first time in a world, a list of shimmer upgrades (ambrosia, arcane crystal, etc) appears in the menu so you can keep track of the upgrades you have left to get.

it's a small change that would be pretty helpful, especially in servers with many people, or for the harder to get upgrades like gummy worm.
Think it could also apply to the other permanent boosts like the Artisan Loaf and ACT Volume 1.

But it shouldn't just be a UI element. Perhaps it could be that, if you shimmer a Book or smth, it turns into a Shimmer Checklist?
Maybe this shimmer checklist could be shimmered for a boss/enemy checklist
Probably it should show up on the Character and World selection menus respectively.
I was thinking it would be near where the bestiary is

A shimmer checklist would be cool, but just having a separate thing on the UI just for shimmer upgrades would be weird and a little “selfish,” do you know what I mean?
It would also ruin the “exploration” aspect of Shimmer (as in throwing a bunch of stuff in and seeing what you get) because now you know what you need to shimmer and what you don’t.
A list completely dedicated for shimmer upgrades would be a little weird, since someone can literally go through the entire game without meeting it
that's why the list only appears after you find the shimmer for the first time on a character

it *should* be possible to implement as the game can tell when you enter the aether biome
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