Short Story A first-timer's trip to hell


While making my first trip to the underworld, I felt the sudden urge to write about it, mostly because out of all the steps I had taken towards game progression, the very last one before hardmode (reaching the underworld, beating the WoF, yadda yadda) was the one I took the most preparations for (because for some reason, I was terrified of facing hardmode with how unused I was with the mobile controls, and how easy it seems to move on PC), the feeling lingered even now, so I thought: why not do it?

So… here it is…!

You find yourself stepping on ash, not the thin layers you'd see around a campfire, but a solid floor made of it, the heat around you would've scorched your lungs if not for the preparations you had made before the trip. Thousands miles of exploration, thousands of weapons swung, of arrows shot, of spells casted, and yet, your hands tremble in excitement.

Bellow your feet is the unknown.
Bellow your feet is a whole new world of dangers.
Bellow your feet is the underworld, an actual hell.

Feeling unprepared? That's par of the course for you, even if the fear of death stiffens your body, you somehow find the way to move onward, after all, that's what makes you an adventurer.

You land on a strange building, black as the night, a sharp contrast to the lava that surrounds you in every direction; you sigh in relief: your potion pouch might have a rest for now. Thus, you move onward, pickaxe in hand, to plunder the ruins of that hellish landscape.

Hey, if no humans live there, it's free real state, isn't it?

Well, turns out your idea isn't very welcomed by the denizens of the underworld, and very gladly, they choose to give you the most fiery of welcomes.

Compared to the closed spaces of the trap-filled dungeon, dodging the blasts and deflecting them with your sword is no real challenge, the adventures before this had tempered you into a fine warrior, leaving no trace of the child that once struggled against slimes. You've fought, you've explored, you've grown with each challenge and each friend that your journey has placed along your path.

But alas, the underworld is a place of malice, wouldn't be fitting of it's name if it wasn't, so the demons start to call up for reinforcements… that's when it clicks. The complaints of the nurse, the comments of the weapons dealer, the constant screaming of the guide, the very source of them is right before your eyes. Knowing the dangers of leaving such a thing in the hands of a demon, you cleave your path towards it, and in a desperate attempt to bring it down, you thrust your sword right in the middle of it's chest.

Gravity reminds you of it existance, and you begin falling towards the lava. A horrible choice is thus laid in your hands: your life, or that of the man who had helped you since the very beginning of your journey? You close your eyes and grit your teeth, following your instincts, you hook onto a platform and avoid watching the doll fall into the lava… But no amount of eyelid clenching could've prepared you for what came next.

A pain-filled scream that tore your heart to bits, although distorted, you recognized the voice, you also realized something: it didn't come alone, it didn't stop, it was getting closer.

You turned around and witnessed it, a colossal creature so horrifying it even made running seem like a bad idea, whatever it is, it feels better off dead than free, after all, you released it upon this world, naturally, you'd be the one responsible of making it leave, wouldn't you?

And even if you're trembling, in fear, in horror, and excitement for what has come, you grab your weapon of choice and put up a brave front: you've fought bigger, you've fought uglier, and most certainly, you will fight harder enemies. Even with the feeling of impending doom pressing against your chest, you are excited… but that's what makes you an adventurer, isn't it?
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