Weapons & Equip Add a normal way to attack for magic missile and rainbow rod

you ought to be able to click and hold and the projectile will attempt to follow your cursor. if you drag it over to an enemy it will try to home in on that thing I think. I can be tedious if you are clicking a lot its not really a crowd control weapon more of a concentrated boss weapon.

I find magic Missile nice for Queen Bee and the Rainbow Rod good for the other mech bosses. anything else and it gets repetetive.
Note that I play mobile.

Click and it summons a projectile. If you click and hold, you can swing the projectile. If you click and release, it will home in onto an enemy.
Are you suggesting an option for it to shoot a projectile that just moves in a straight line like the gem staves shoot? What value would this have?
Pretty good suggestion, spam clicking magic missle on my recent mage run mate me change mouse back to the one I used for Minecraft
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