Eye of Cthulhu
I’m trying to get 100% researched in the game, and these have been a PAIN to get. I’ve afked for about 15 minutes in a new world in the desert with the time speed at 24 and while sleeping in a bed, and haven’t gotten a single one. Are they just insanely rare or am I just unlucky?
Zeloxiv the Second
From what I've heard/seen, they are pretty rare and grow on top of cacti.
(Sry if this isn't that helpful)
(Sry if this isn't that helpful)
edit: it was late at night and I red pinky. for the cactus you should just place rows of sand to maximize cactus growth
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Official Terrarian
wrong post?Hm, if it's a new world you can meet the criteria for slime rain, need at least 8 defense and 140 health
View attachment 415717
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Just misread the title lolwrong post?