Ask a wyvern

He's basically fully machine, just most of his outside still appears biological but it's basically meaningless beyond appearance.
All of them. (He's basically my equivalent of the doomslayer except he's a mercenary (so yes, you can hire him, though that's gonna cost a lot) and makes all his stuff himself.)
I don't have a set speed for it, especially since I'd have to account for infected creatures as well. As for what would happen if it did that, don't really have that figured out either.
If they were able to before, yes, though they will of course infect it due to coming in contact with it.
(The void having an airforce is a scary thought if you don't like being infected)

What are the symptoms of void infection?
Loss of free will and physical changes (both reversed when individual is cured) is the simplest way of putting it.
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