Ask an amateur musician and avid storyteller anything! i'm bored, help

How long has it been since your last Pog Shot?
If you're not careful, you could be diagnosed with Poggers Syndrome (PGS).
Alright, let's get down to brass tacks. If a bunny can pancake, can a waffle zebra?
no, but french rhinoceros can probably white toast

While the following is the presumed correct answer, we must look deeper:
"Absolutely not. Assume that the statement is true, then allow 'mammals' to be considered group 'P', and group 'Q' to be 'breakfast foods'. Thus, the statement becomes 'If a P can Q, a Q can P.' This is clearly nonsense, and a classic example of the fallacy of the converse. Of course, you  could consider the question to be implying some sort of alternate reality where breakfast foods are actions that can be performed, in which case normal logic would be useless and all bets would be off."

While this makes sense, I can expand on it. Considering this as a classical mathematics problem where P := Q, := meaning is able to perform. Naturally, the inequivalence rule allows us to confirm that Q := P ( inverse of := )

However, by utilising the rule of equational balance, we can also confirm that P + Q := Q + P, which is further confirmed as a + b = b + a, therefore P + Q = Q + P

Simple maths!
it's between RoR2, undertale, deltarune and the terraria calamity soundtrack
I've listened to the first three of those(and I agree with you on the fact that they're great soundtracks), but I still haven't head the Calamity Soundtrack yet. At least not all of it, anyway...

On the topic of Risk of Rain 2, which character has to be your favorite to play as?

Edited: Realized that my response was a tad odd...
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Why am I not surprised...? Then again, I've listened to the first three of those, but I still haven't head the Calamity Soundtrack yet. At least not all of it, anyway...

On the topic of Risk of Rain 2, which character has to be your favorite to play as?
well considering i started playing 4 hours ago and i'm only on like the 2nd area i have no opinion as i've only got the two pre-unlocked ones and i've only played the first one so far
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